Anderson City Council is set to discuss a merit commission for the fire department aimed at improving hiring and promotion processes
They’re revisiting a merit system that was first approved back in 2006 but was dropped a year later. Apparently, it didn’t get a vote from union members before it was put in place, which caused some issues.
Cody Leever, who heads the Anderson Firefighters Local 1262, is all for this new initiative. He believes it’s a big step toward fairness and professionalism in the department, which is great for both the firefighters and the community.
Last year, union members across Indiana pushed for the state to require merit systems for cities like Anderson. Leever mentioned that this system would help modernize the department while still respecting the traditions of firefighting.
The proposed plan includes a five-member commission made up of local residents. Two members would be elected by the fire department, two appointed by the mayor, and one by the city council. They’d serve four-year terms, and most meetings would be open to the public.
However, some key positions like chief and deputy chief would still be appointed by the mayor. The commission would have the power to decide on hiring and promotions, but they won’t get paid for their work.
Once the members are in place, they’ll have 90 days to set rules for hiring and promotions. The ordinance also has measures to avoid conflicts of interest, ensuring that commission members can’t vote on matters involving their family members.
If you want to keep up with the latest, you can follow Ken de la Bastide on Twitter or give him a call.